Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Perfect Christmas Morning Breakfast #1
Oven Puffed French Toast (serves 6 to 8)
8 slices French bread, cubed
6 eggs
1/6 tsp nutmeg
1/4 tsp cinammon
1 tsp vanilla
3 cups half-and-half
1/2 cup firm butter, cubed
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup walnuts
Place bread slices in a single layer in a generously buttered 9x13 pan. In a large bowl, combine eggs, spices, vanilla and half-and-half, mix well. Pour egg mixture over bread slices. Cover and refrigerate overnight. Before baking, baste unabsorbed liquid over bread. Combine topping ingredients with pastry knife just until the mixture has a coarse texture. Sprinkle over bread slices and bake in a preheated oven at 350 degress for 40-60 minutes.
Note: I assemble the topping ingredients the night before and save the mixture in the refrigerator until I am ready to put the casserole in the oven.
Love, 40
Sunday, December 19, 2010
A Great Christmas Eve Tradition - The Gift of Matching Holiday Children's Pajamas
You can deck the kids out in anything from perfectly matching flannel p.j.'s to adorably coordinating longjohns. There are styles for everybody in your family - from the youngest babe to Mom and Dad. And, if you are like me and don't like to sport Santa and his reindeer after the 25th, there are options available that will look perfect on Christmas morning AND on the wintery morings to come.
Here are some of my favorites:

From stripes to snowmen to pefectly gift-wrapped presents, Garnet Hill has it all.
Hannah Anderson has an adorable selection of Christmas and seasonal-themed pajamas for big and small alike.
I also like the striped pajamas at Crew Cuts and the flannel snowflakes at Land's End.
Sweet Dreams!
Love, 40
Monday, December 13, 2010
It's Here! My NiceRink Ice Skating Rink!
Cool Find! A Wall-Mounted Fishbowl
Monday, December 6, 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Planes, Trains and Automobiles
So anyway, I am just checking in. Sorry to be so neglectful. You're welcome, 40, for the virtual birthday card. I knew you would like it! I love the square wreaths you posted but I think I'm more a circle person today. Which is odd because usually I prefer squares.
By the way,if you like this picture, you can buy the poster here.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Week 3 of FOOD+FOTO
Monday, November 29, 2010
Martha Stewart's Oatmeal Raisin Chocolate Chip Cookies
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Obsessing Over Square Boxwood Wreaths - and another DIY Wreath
Best Birthday Card Ever!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Happy Birthday, 40!
Happy Birthday, Big Sister! I really wanted to get you this, but I was afraid it might gross everyone out. Instead, I decided to just give you some nice things to look at.
I love you-
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Souvenir Foto School FOOD+FOTO Week 2 Submissions
To take take the cookie photos, I ventured out of my comfort zone. Generally, I like to take pictures of things as I find them. This time, I created the background and manipulated the items for each picture. I generally like the way the pictures turned out, what do you think?
Love, 40
Still Dreaming of Backyard Skating Rinks
Now, as far as maintenance of the rink is concerned...that's what the children are for!
Friday, November 19, 2010
Backyard Skating Rinks
Something like this would be nice:
Our afternoons would be filled with the kids and their friends gliding around the rink.
Afterwards, we would all sip hot chocolate:
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Vinyl Wall Decals
I also lust over vinyl wall decals. The trouble is, there are so many great quotes and pictures to choose from that I just can't make up my mind. Of course, you can never go wrong with a monogram... This one had me at hello:
Another great source for vinyl decals is wall words, which I believe used to be wonderful graffiti. And don't forget etsy!
Can't wait to see your new decorations!
Love, 40
Keep on truckin'
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
No, You Are Not Twiggy
Anyway, I say go for it, if you really want to. You only live once. Hair grows back. But you have to promise to wear your eyelashes like Twiggy, too, if you do the hair.
So, all this talk of Twiggy had me searching for other 60's hairstyles. Which, of course, lead me straight to Marianne Faithful. She was one cool chick. I just had to share this picture of her and Mick Jagger. Isn't it sweet?

Great Gifts for Shutterbugs
They have some really cool stuff for photographers and photography buffs.
I need this:

Tuesday, November 16, 2010
I am not Twiggy

Monday, November 15, 2010
A Note to 35 About Christmas Wreaths
Serendipity and Vintage Fisher Price
It turned out that both boys had a blast. For a treasure hunter and collector like my 12-year old, the estate sale turned out to be a wonderland. The woman who owned the house was a collector, too. There were bags and bags of beautiful shells and sea glass she had collected throughout her years of travel. Old urns, pieces of fences, and architectural pieces greeted us at every turn. My son went home with a PS2 game system, 14 games, and a ziploc bag full of "rare" blue sea glass.
My 3-year old amused himself by playing with the house dog and old toys, talking to everybody who crossed his path, and running through every room of the rambling house.
As for me, when I saw a tub full of vintage Fisher Price toys, I knew I had to buy them. I had recently read on Sarah's blog that she buys vintage Fisher Price toys for her children. I loved the idea of buying some vintage FP, and searched for some on ebay. I really wanted the amusement park series, but all of the toys offered on ebay were either too expensive or in poor condition. Now, right in front of me, in a plastic tub on a dirty basement floor, were the toys I had been lusting after on ebay, in perfect condition and for less money. Serendipity.
I bought a merry-go-round:
A circus train:
Seven little people:
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Souvenir Foto School Photo #1
I am participating in Tristan's Souvenir Foto School this session. This time, the theme is food. The students will be posting their pictures to the Flickr group FOOD+FOTO by midnight Sunday of each week. This picture is my first submission. Head over to Tristan's blog, or Flickr see all of the great pictures that have been entered.
Love, 40
Saturday, November 13, 2010
I must be getting old
I should have titled this post- "No really, I'm serious". I love this! I can't stop listening. Honestly, how about that Julio? I mean, Willie has always been Willie and he's great. When we were young, our dad certainly went through his Willie Nelson phases. We even saw him at the State Fair once. But I am developing a new fascination for Julio. I actually think that this is the only song I have every heard by him. But I am thinking I need to invest in some more of his music. I want to have a dinner party and play only Julio. For real. I'm not kidding. And anyway, I had to distance myself from all that Christmas talk, I can't take it this early in the season.
P.S. Who doesn't love some good old fashioned cheesy pin-ups? Your welcome.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Or take the lazy route

And with that, maybe I'll throw down a challenge to 40: in the next few weeks, let's try to make the cheap pom pom wreath. After all, surely ours will be beautiful!
More Cute and Easy DIY Christmas Wreaths

Instructions on making this wreath can be found here
Pretty DIY Christmas Wreaths

Tuesday, November 9, 2010
quote of the day
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Pot Roast from the Joy of Cooking
Honestly, it was a little brave of me to cook a pot roast with the intention of feeding it to someone else. Pot roast is one of those meals that always disappoints when I cook it at home. The gravy is runny and the meal is bland. My default way to cook pot roast is to throw everything in a slow cooker, wait six hours, then eat. Since this hasn't been garnering the results I want, I was ready to try a different method. Following the instructions from The Joy of Cooking, I first seared the meat in hot oil in a large skillet, then added veggies and broth and cooked everything over an extremely slow flame for several hours. When everything was cooked, the result was not all that different from those I had achieved prviously, and I was thinking I would have to have a pizza delivered to my friend's.
But wait - what is this? A step AFTER everything is cooked? Yes! Rather than enjoy your now cooked but bland meat and veggies in broth, Ms. Cunningham instructs you to remove the solids from the pan and add 1 tbsp. butter and 1 tbsp flour for every cup of liquid. This thickens the broth into a wonderful gravy and adds that depth of flavor that only butter can bring to a dish. People, let me tell you, this is what I have been missing in my pot roast cooking life. Try this recipe, you will be glad you did.
Beef Pot Roast (Basic Recipe)from the Joy of Cooking
1 beef chuck or rump roast (3-5 pounds), neatly tied if boneless
Season with: salt and black pepper to taste
Heat 2-3 tbsps vegetable oil, rendered beef fat, or lard in a heavy Dutch oven with a tight fitting lid over medium-high heat.
Add the roast and brown on all sides, about 15-20 minutes. Maintain the heat so that the meat sizzles but does not burn. Remove the meat to a plate. Pour off all but 2 tbsps. of fat from the pan and heat over medium high heat. Add:
2 cups finely chopped ojnions
1/2 cup chopped celery
1/2 cup finely chopped carrots
Cook the vegetables, stirring occasionally, just until they begin to color, about 5 minutes. Add:
1 cup beef or chicken stock, dry red wine, or water
Bring to a boil and add:
1 bay leaf
1 1/2 tsps fresh thyme, or 1/2 teaspoon dried
Return the roast to the pan and cover. Reduce the heat to its lowest setting. Cook the roast slowly so that the liquid just barely simmers. Turn th roast every 30 minutes or so. Make sure there is always some liquid in the pot and add more as needed. When the meat is tender, (Flat roasts will take 1.5 to 2.5 hours, round or oblong roasts may take as long as 4 hours), remove the roast to a platter and cover with aluminum foil to keep warm. Skim off any fat from the surface of the liquid. Strain the liquid. To thicken the sauce slightly, bring the liquid to a boil. For each cup liquid, stir together and whisk in:
1 tbsp all-purpose flour
1tbsp butter, softened
Simmer, stirring constantly, until thickened.
Note: I did not tie my boneless cut. Also, I roughly chopped the vegetables, did not add a bay leaf, and did not strain my liquid after cooking. My flat, 2 pound roast took 3 hours to cook.
Still Thinking about the Green Bathroom
Last night I found a great site - retro renovation - that is dedicated to providing information about how to renovate your home while staying true to its retro origin. The site is full of great tips and resources and is truly inspiring. After spending some time clicking around on the site, I didn't feel so crazy for liking my green bathroom. (By the way, did I tell you that when the plumber came to give me a quote on installing a shower he said "You're gutting this, right?", as if it was a foregone conclusion?) The best part is that through retro renovation, I found two other sites - one which sells toilet seats in every color of the rainbow, and one that specializes in vintage toilet parts. The downside is that, depending on the exact shade of green of my fixtures (Mint? Ming?) the cover I need can cost between $300 and $900. I can buy a brand new toilet for that!
I'll leave you with a picture of my toilet: You can see the white toilet seat in this shot. It's also interesting to note the color of the bowl. The previous owners claimed to have the place cleaned on a regular basis. I think they need to ask for their money back from the maid service.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Our (Not So) Minty Fresh 1940's Green Bathroom
The light above the mirror is actually hardwired into the medicine cabinet electricity. Big no-no, apparently.
I need to sleep on it...
Starting Over
Thirty-five has also had big changes in her life She has gone back to school to get her master's degree. In addition to going to school almost full-time, she is raising a two-year old and working full-time. She definitely has her hands full!
Anyway - all this is my way of apologizing for our not being more consistent in our postings. But we plan to mend our wicked ways, we promise.
As I mentioned, I recently moved. The house my husband and I bought is in need of alot of TLC, and I plan to document our progress on the house as we go along, for your enjoyment as well as so that I have a place to look back to when I feel disheartened. I also plan to use this blog as a place to store links, ideas, and great finds that I may want to use in the house in the future.
Also, I have once again challenged myself to cook at least one new recipe a week for the next year. I will share each of these recipes with you.